Sunday, January 17, 2010
-8:21 PM
Ahaha hope this isn't too misleading =p but essentially the following below is copied over from the faithfulness fellowship facebook post so that those who don't have a facebook account, or usually don't go there, can see this yep.
Hello faithfulness! Before I say anything, let’s remember the release of O’level results for the previous batch of secondary 4 students, and the current batch as well. Whether results are famous or infamous, I thank God for guiding those involved throughout this period, and pray that He will continue to lead and make known His plans. At least part of the waiting’s over now =)
Well, I’m sure many of you have heard that the comm. (or half of it) met up last week to discuss and finalize some of the issues regarding the fellowship, and so the following would be about what we’ve discussed and wanted to announce, just didn’t have much chance to do so heh.
1st: Bible study programme for the year would center on 4 main themes; Unity in the Body of Christ, The Holy Spirit, Evangelism and Listening to God. This is the content for the whole year, at least until the next committee decides otherwise. So of course, for those who went last week you’ll have known that we’re starting on Unity, then as to which themes are next it depends on how the year progresses =) Certainly the dao shis will be in charge of the overall leading and implementation, but the comm. members will be in charge of , or at least facilitating several of these sessions yep. And if anyone else feels like leading or facilitating a session themselves please gladly do so =)
And also, in order to better encourage some of us to do more frequent quiet time, one of us will be sending, or mass spamming messages daily to everyone as a reminder, and a verse would be included in each of these messages if you’re not sure what to read. I think we’ll start from this Wednesday onwards? =)
2nd: As some of you might know, the budget for this year’s not very high, and well, we’ve overbudgeted in some areas, especially cha xu. So we’ll be collecting $2 from everyone, starting this week and continuing on every 1st week of the month yep =) hope you guys don’t mind as we really need the money to make up for the exceeded budget. But don’t worry, we’ll be pushing for a bigger one coming term =p
3rd: Our brother Jonathan a.k.a. Qing Feng has graciously consented to be in charge of the 5th week, which is, if you’re not sure,户外活动 =) one of my suggestions was that we visit each other’s house during the 5th week, cause one’s house is a place where you find out most about that person right? So if anyone wants to open up their house do let Jon know, or if they have any other suggestions (science centre, ice-skating etc.) do tell him as well =) and if possible, try to cooperate with him every way you can, though that doesn’t mean discussion isn’t recommended =)
4th: And here’s an announcement! Seetoh’s opening his house for us to gather at on the 30th of January, which is a Saturday for Chinese New Year dinner. I do realize it’s abit early but it is the only date when most of us can make it, so pleased do try to make time for it =) while the address is not out yet, he’s living in the Yio Chu Kang area, and so I hope this would be nearer for most of you ^^ and may I suggest that for those who are able, we meet earlier at Ang Mo Kio Hub (it’s at AMK Station) to catch a movie, buy the ingredients needed for the dinner, and head over to YCK station. Those late might have to meet us at the station itself? Not sure, but details will be up soon.
Well, it’s a long post, hope this makes things clearer though =) please do discuss here if you have any thoughts. We might not be able to have fellowship daily like the believers of the past did, but may our spirits continue to be alive here, that we may continue to have fellowship as well =)
With the love that is found in Christ,
And for those that still aren't sure of the groupings:
1- Daniel, Yihan, Jonathan, Jia Ling, Rachel Lee, Bernice, Jeremy, Berme
2- Clement, Yijia, Chamian, Ceren, Xiu Li, Janice, Nathanael, Ting Yu, Wan Ting
3- Joel, Timothy, Ryan, Ken Ji, Rachel Hong, Stella, Yili, Lim Min, Yong Chen
And lastly the visit to Simon and Annie's house, thanks so much to Annie for telling us details =)the following is her post yep.
Hi hi
We are very happy to open the house to FF but can i suggest to make it as like pot luck or even i will order pizza or some fast food to let everyone eat? reason being my house in yio chu kang area is pretty small and cannot let some many of you all to have steamboat at one goal (no more big dinner hall and my kitchen is the same size as my sitting room)
What do you guys think?
My address is
Blk 633 AMK ave 6
(just a bridge away from the yio chu kang mrt)
it should not be a problem to let everyone to come to my house since i have open to 20 plus people before..
So what you guys want to eat besides steam boat?
any other suggestion?
please feel free to post..
see you guys!
isaac can join in the dinner this time round.. he can perform some "performace" too..
stay tune!
Haha i guess that's all for now, jiayou! If you feel like slacking talk to anyone of us ok! Then you won't slack so much =)
Love in Christ,
Monday, November 16, 2009
-8:33 PM
Hey Faithfulness,
haha congratulations to those people who have just completed their O levels, God has been with you during this period =) and enjoy post Os ^^ hope you've planned out everything you wanna do, don't slack the holidays away yea =) same goes for the other levels having holidays haha. Anyway, in the meantime, let's continue to remember the J2s still taking their A levels, continue to pray for them daily yea, and if any of them are seeing this (why is daniel still on facebook -.-) the rest of the fellowship and daoshis will always be here if you need someone to talk to yea.
Anyway, the following is a short message i happened to find while surfing campus crusade's website; it's a message by the county director to the ministry partners there, and its something, i feel, that we could all use as well, especially during the holidays when all play no work somehow becomes sian (yes it does happen), and even if that doesn't happen, i hope this message will encourage you to seek God during all that free time so that 'we will find all things in Him'
The Joy Stealers...
We all have those days -- when things do not seem to go as you expect at home or at work, or when the novelty of a new job or a new stage in life wears into a mundane drudgery, or when difficult relationships take a toll on us…they steal our joy and saps our energy. These fall roughly into three categories:
Firstly, the daily grind. Sometimes the daily-ness of our routines can wear us out physically and emotionally. The unrelenting regularity of repetative tasks - going to work day in day out, commuting the same route, having the same choices for lunch, and for mums, the unending chores at home, changing diapers and ferrying kids to school through the heavy traffic, can sometimes wear us out.
Secondly, the daily grate. The minor irritations and frustrations of life -- a co-worker we cannot get along with, battling heavy traffic every day, recalcitrant children, gadgets that break down when we needed them most… We all have our pet peeves and things that grate on us, like a grain of sand in our shoe.
Thirdly, the daily grudge. Some of us carry with us a persistent feeling of ill will or resentment from past hurts or injuries. This can take the form of an unforgiving spirit and expressed in passive aggressive behaviors. Sometimes the people closest to us -- our spouse and our children, and even God Himself, are not spared from our harboring some measure of grudge. If this daily grudge is not dealt with in a timely manner, it will eat into our souls, and give root to a spirit of bitterness in our hearts.
How do we respond to the daily grind, daily grate, and the daily grudge? We have our daily gripe (or grumble)! The nation of Israel was known for her grumbling against the Lord (read Exodus and Numbers). Their lack of trust in the Lord and in His appointed leaders (Moses and Aaron) caused them to have a griping spirit. A griper focuses on himself and the circumstances rather than on God. A griper is not a joyful person to be with!
Let me suggest another response as we go about life --
a daily gratitude.
This daily gratitude results from acknowledging who God is and what He has done in our lives, and His goodness to us. Three ways of cultivating a heart of gratitude:
A heart fully rested in God, knowing that my God is BIG enough to take care of my burdens and that He knows exactly what I am going through and how I am feeling -- the daily grind, the daily grate, and the daily grudge. Psalm 68:19 tells us, "Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens." Lighten your load, let God carry those burdens, and rest in Him.
Be content in all circumstances. Paul exhorts us in Phil 4:12, "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want." Rather than griping about what you lack, give thanks for what you already have, and celebrate the simple joys of life.
Make it a daily choice to give thanks as I walk with my Master. "Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus," -- 1 Thess 5:18. Gratitude is the best attitude, and it honors God.
I pray we will once again rediscover the joy of gratitude, because our heart of gratitude expresses our faith and adoration for Him.
Most Grateful to Him,
Lam Kok Hiang
Country Director
Here's the website if you're interested- http://www.sccc.sg/
In love,
Monday, August 10, 2009
-12:52 AM
something charlotte said today is something we should all remember:
Don't be satisfied with where you are with God nowwe experienced a revival, it stirred as we prayed and seeked, while we were on our knees, while we were on our knees...everyone saw God REALLY moving in our fellowship. today. and for years to come. Praise Him!
-12:38 AM
And um, on the flip side, happy belated national day! Hahahaha. I was supposed to send the previous post out before 12, but it seems i didn't do so, so forgive the 'today's, heh. Anw hope that you guys will study more, yet be happy in this holiday, and be united in, and faithful to God, always yea =)See you guys this sun ^^
Brother in Christ (guess who i am hahaha, Clement don't spoil ><)
-12:37 AM
Haha seeing as this blog's already dead, I'm wanted give it some life, but i guess Father would be the only One who could ressurect this blog like no other. I just wanted to post about what happened today, and since i can't also make much sense of what actually happened today, so sorry if i don't make much sense while rambling on.
For those that went today, i don't know about you guys, it's just really been a long time since we ever went through such a worship session. And today, i knelt, we knelt, we really knelt. Just think about it, when was the last time you (whoever is reading this,its YOU) knelt before God, be humbled to the point of nothingness, of brokeness? Every week we come to fellowship, or maybe to church, to first worship, proclaim His name as the first, pray and share with each other, tell one another about our own troubles, our own happenings over the past week, pray for each other and just talk. Not to say that's not good, in fact, that makes for good fellowship, but i ask you, where is God in all of this?
You know what? The truth is, this fellowship is dead. We all know it. People have been saying it for months, its just that when people start breaking down before God, start crying out confessions, start screaming out the weight of their sin that we're confronted with the truth of how dead we, as individuals, as a fellowship, actually are. The signs were all along there you know? First we had the good samaritan, calling for us to see ourselves as broken people, then the beatitudes, which called for the 'poor in spirit', and for 'mourning', then i keep hearing people being increasingly rendered sick, getting further and further away from God,becoming more and more vulnerable. Yet in spite of all that we put on a strong face, week after week i see people putting on masks of happiness, making jokes, laughing, keeping all the pain inside secret. Should it be this way? Are we not a fellowship who is faithful? To God? And to men?
For those who haven't realized the significance of today's happening, the Spirit has put the truth right in front of us. Today marks a turning point, a turning point at which we all reaffirm, realign and restore our relationship, that intimacy that Father desires. He calls to us right now, as He called to Adam, "Where are you?". I urge you, if you haven't done so, ignore all the exams, the parents, friends, whatever that you can see right now, just kneel down, break yourself like the woman broke the valuable jar of perfume to wash Jesus' feet, be nothing before the faithful one of heaven, and lay all bare before Him, confess everything you have, hide nothing in His sight. Please, don't die to Christ, be alive in Him, always.
With the love that comes from Christ,
your faithful brother.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
-7:59 PM
Hello fellowship, these are the photos I took during the reunion dinner at Simon’s house, sorry for the delay, say that its good, haha. Praise God for the wonderful fellowship we had with each other yea =) and hope to see you guys at fellowship this Sunday yup ^^

Sunday, February 22, 2009
-6:31 PM
Hello brothers and sisters, it has been the honor and pleasure of those in the first Faithfulness Fellowship committee to have served you for the past one year. As per the practices of the presbyterian churches, leaders of each church group would be elected every year.
While the date to vote in our new committee would only be in April/May, i pray that each and every one of you consider if you are willing to be called to serve in the fellowship, current committee members included. If you worry about competency and biblical knowledge, these are but aspects which I firmly believe God will train and equip you with; what matters more for your relationship with God and men is whether you are willing to bring his sheep closer together and towards Him.
This year will be long and hard for the current committee due to our studies commitment, but I know that God will choose his leaders amongst you and share the weight of the yoke. Of course, you can be assured that we will step in to help you as and when you need it.
The Committee Structure:
团长 Goh En Qi Daniel
副团长 Nee Yihan
节目 Seetoh Yijia
财政 Sim Ka Keng Joel
总务 Hong Lin Yao Clement
导师 Zhi Ming
导师 Charlotte
导师 Seetoh Simon
负责传道 陈美玲传道
顾问 王邦吉执事
1 Timothy 4: 11-14
Command and teach these things.
Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.
Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching. Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through a prophetic message when the body of elders laid their hands on you.